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Football betting on young Nigerians is a problem, but the ban is not answer

ByClare Louise

Jun 2, 2021

In this article, we will discuss the craze of soccer prediction and betting in Nigeria. Also, we will discuss the behaviour of young Nigerians around betting and predicting soccer (English football).

What is the craze of soccer prediction in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, which is a small country in Africa, young children are attracted to football betting. This means that they are attracted to the fact of risking money and using their luck and skill to earn. Football betting in Nigeria can be traced back to colonial times when pool betting was popular. This kind of betting was popular for old adult people, but nowadays, many youngsters like it. This can become a serious problem if it is not fixed. It results in more people betting on football matches. This country has many outlets inside of them, which allow the people to go and place their bets. They can place a bet here either by paying in cash, or they can also pay them using debit or credit card. Several reports have said that around 60 million Nigerians from the age of 18 to 40 are involved. This means that once they are old enough, they are ready to have their bank account and a card. It has also been said that, on average, they spend around 2 billion Nigerian currency on betting daily. If we calculate, it will come to something around 730 billion Nigerian currency spent annually. There are mostly two factors that contribute to the betting on sports matches. These are unemployment and also poverty which forces them to earn money any way they can. It is said that there are more than 200 million people and 87 million people are unemployed. There are also reports that many people are being forced to do sports betting to support their families. There are also reports that many criminals and violent activities are related to sports betting.

What is the behaviour of youngsters around betting?

According to the different reports and observations, it is noted that these people often get angry. This is because if you deny them the money to place bets or don’t allow them to go out. They will usually get angry and will start throwing attitude and ignorance towards you. If you successfully stop them from going out by not giving them the money, they will steal it. This means that they will find ways in which they can steal money from either their parents or relatives. Many parents have complained to the police to teach their kids a lesson of their life. But they go to jail, get some understanding and scolding and then again start betting after some time. After interaction with one of the teenagers, it is known that they spend around 1000 Nigerian currency every day. This means that they spend every day 2 US dollars on making sports bet in the market. Also, sometimes they are found using 7 US dollars in the form of the Nigerian currency, trying to win the jackpot.