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Alternative Packaging to Plastics

ByLakshmi Ekbal Bail

Sep 11, 2021

If you ask a youngster to mention five random products and their packaging substance, you can bet plastic would be three or more of them. That is how much we have become so used to plastic containers, wraps, and carriers. Plastics remain a major epidemic to the wellness of mother earth. They take up spaces on lands and oceans. Their contents are often toxic and poisonous to different habitats. They hinder the free activities of nature wherever they are. And this must stop. It is time we started thinking about alternatives, something more sustaining, perhaps eco-friendly packaging.

Have you been having thoughts of porting from plastics to green packaging? Well, here are some available options.

  1. Cornstarch Packaging:

Cornstarch is a packaging option made from cornstarch meal or sorghum loose-fill, for some. It is organic. Yes, it is the regular cornstarch that people eat. This time, it is made through a solidification and molding process. Cornstarch meal is used to package perfumes, food substances, fruits, and so on. It is safe and eco-friendly. It can be molded into any shape that a retailer or manufacturer wants.

  1. Paper Bags:

Instead of those plastic bags, you can opt for paper bags. You can have your groceries or foods packed in paper bags. Thanks to malls and stores that offer paper bags for you to collect your grocery items when packing your stuff out of their carts. Those papers are eco-friendly packaging that can be recycled, or even decomposed once, soiled with foods or organic substances.

  1. Cardboards:

Cardboards are another eco-friendly material that will easily suffice in place of plastic boxes. They already find applications in packaging food substances like cakes, shoes, creams, perfumes, belts, and many other gift items. Cardboards are 100% recyclable. Any cardboard box around you was likely recycled.

  1. Leaves: 

It is intriguing that some businesses use durable leaves to pack their products. Leaves are green, natural, and bound to decompose. Although most of such manufacturers believe that you’d transfer the product to another container. At least, they are not contributing to the pile of toxic, non-degradable packaging substances -plastic. Leaves have been known to use to package substances such as foods and soaps. They work. Some prominent leaves used for such purposes include palm leaves and cocoyam leaves.

Save the planet. Save the future, be a part and advocate of eco-friendly packaging by patronizing brands with alternatives to plastics.